
The Three Best Ways to Improve your Customer Interaction

Express Empathy. Make Sales.
Psychology says: People are mostly concerned with themselves, and this is especially true in the world of business. So read on. If you’re looking to maximize customer retention and ultimately grow your business, it is essential you take a ‘Customer Centric Approach’ with a focus on empathizing with customers. Make it about them – express your understanding of their problem, need or desire. When customers feel you care about and understand them, they’re much more likely to return to you for future business.

Be Transparent. Take the Human Approach
Be authentic. When customers feel they are being lied to, or information is purposely being withheld, they lose trust in you, and that means you lose customer retention.
However, when you’re transparent and honest with them, you present yourself as ‘human’, as opposed to just another business. The interaction becomes personal. Customers like you more and are more likely to stick with you. So own up to your mistakes, be honest, sincere and authentic throughout interactions, and you’ll ultimately grow your business and brand.

Express your Gratitude Sincerely
When interacting with a customer, look for ways to offer your genuine appreciation.
Thank them for their patience or loyalty to your company. But beware, if your compliments sound ’empty’ or ‘hollow’ they’ll pick up on it, so be sincere in your words always. It’ll make them feel valued and improve word-of-mouth.

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